Business Line Of Credit - Have Funds When You Need Them Most!
Simple And Fast
Receive a decision in 1 business days - and as fast as 1 hour -requiring only a soft credit pull*
Small Business Focus
We specialize in small business and want to secure you a LOC to help fuel your business.
Better Fee Structure
Simple to understand draw fees and balance fees - with zero penalties and big savings for early payoff.
How Does A Revolving Business Line Of Credit Work?
Receive Approval Up To $100k
You now have money reserved and available when you need it, and you only pay interest on the funds you take out.
Take Funds Out As Needed.
You can now draw all or portions of money as needed up to the approval amount. You have up to 1 year to repay any draws you take out.
Automatic Weekly Repayment
You repay the drawn funds via an automatic weekly payment which covers the principle + interest. You can prepay with zero penalties + big savings.
(monthly repayment option available for preferred customers**)
New Draws And Revolving Limit
Draw more money out as needed (up to the approval amount). Your weekly payment is adjusted to cover repayment of the new balance. As you pay back, those funds become available again to use.
Qualification is simple! Do you qualify?
Our qualifications are far easier than a big bank .
2+ Years in Business*
Been in business less than 2 year? Try our Working Capital Advance.
Anywhere in the United States*
680+ Personal FICO Score*
$20k+ Monthly Revenue
Not doing $20k+ month? Try our Instant Approval Micro-Funding.